BlogHard Money Loans Strategy to Increase ROI: Know Your Expenses A portfolio of residential rental properties is portrayed as highly profitable. As the underlying asset…Pouyan BroukhimDecember 16, 2023
BlogHard Money Loans The Scope of Work In A Fix-and-Flip Project In a fix-and-flip project, the work scope has more purpose than being the basis for…Pouyan BroukhimAugust 19, 2023
BlogHard Money Loans The Market Analysis: The Best Investment of Time The most valuable of an investor’s resources is their time. While any real estate investor…Pouyan BroukhimJuly 13, 2023
BlogHard Money Loans Prepayment Penalties Explained When a loan is viewed as an investment, then a lender should be viewed as…Pouyan BroukhimMay 22, 2023
BlogHard Money Loans The Use of Hard Money as An Inheritance Loan The perception of the uses of hard-money loans is for short-term solutions in real estate…Pouyan BroukhimJanuary 17, 2023