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What You Can Expect by Partnering with a Hard Money Lender

By October 14, 2019June 29th, 2023hard money loans in San Francisco
hard money loans in San Francisco

PB Financial Group offers loan packages to investors and brokers that are well analyzed and secured. Important aspects of securing your investment include:

  • Borrowers have substantial equity in the property (30 – 60% LTV).
  • Collateral valuation using several sources.
    • Appraisal
    • Comparables
    • Valuation models
    • Broker price opinion
    • Neighborhood studies
  • Borrowers have substantial equity in the property (30 – 60% LTV).
  • Collateral valuation using several sources.
    • Appraisal
    • Comparables
    • Valuation models
    • Broker price opinion
    • Neighborhood studies
  • Additional security via a trust deed filed with a county recorder’s office following state and federal regulations.
  • Mitigating potential risks:
    • Property devaluation
    • Interruption of cash flow (late or nonpayment)
    • Legal action
    • Second position deeds
  • Tax, regulatory, and informational statements.

We make certain that the loans we present to our clients are well scrutinized to meet your guidelines resulting in high yield investments.

Quality loans are available on a monthly basis.

Trust Deed Investors

PB Financial Group provides private investors an unparalleled level of trust and confidence with hard money loans in San Francisco  and throughout California. At the heart of our integrity, dedication, and ethics is building strong relationships with both investors and borrowers. Your relationship begins with:

  • Insured loan at 125% Lenders Title Policy Coverage.
  • There are no post-closing servicing fees – you receive 100% of the borrower’s monthly payment.
  • Available loans include both residential and commercial properties.
  • Private lending provides true diversification not affected by random market whims, global events, or politics.
  • Short term loans offer predictable rates of return without tying up your money for years.

Wholesale Brokers Seeking Opportunities through Hard Money Loans in San Francisco

PB Financial Group offers a wholesale approach for funds needed for any business purpose, debt consolidation, cash deposit for a new property purchase, etc. Among the competitive tools provided for brokers are:

  • Escrow and Title company relationships for proven fast closings using efficient processes.
  • A pool of approved appraisers in each county using the best value approach to a property’s worth.
  • Loans available for a wide variety of needs including:
    • Inventory purchases
    • Business partner buy out
    • Business marketing(advertising)

You can download our Broker Package and fax it to 323-935-5580.

For further information about our investment opportunities or to schedule a consultation with one of our expert lenders please contact PB Financial Group at 323.935.5555 x 102 or email us at

We look forward to hearing from you!

PB Financial NMLS #357614/DRE #01522495

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