Don’t let bad credit stop you from achieving your goals. If you’re dealing with imperfect credit, a foreclosure, past bankruptcy, past loan modification, mortgage lates or similar credit problems, PB Financial Group might be able to help. PB Financial Group is a leading hard money lender in Los Angeles and our unique position in the marketplace affords us flexibility, traditional lending institutions may be unable to show. Bad credit doesn’t have to be an impossible hurdle for you or your business.
A Common Problem
Imperfect credit is a more common problem than you may realize. Because of recent economic trouble, a massive crash in the housing market, and an impossibly tough job-seeking environment, more people than ever are facing credit problems. Whether it’s a past mortgage lates, loan modification, foreclosed home or business, charge-off debts, or loan defaults, plenty of our clients have come to us with some sort of credit problem. It’s nothing to be ashamed of — in fact, perfect credit is very often the exception to the rule.
PB Financial Group ’s lending process is not based on your credit history. Instead, we use hard money loans that are anchored in the equity of your property. This allows us to be much more lenient in regard to credit problems, and gives us the ability to work with clients traditional lending institutions may turn away. Don’t let a bank’s approval process stop you from improving your business or turning your finances around; hard money loans are more adaptable, have a faster turnaround, and can be the best option.
Hard money loans are different from traditional loans in many ways. It’s important to speak at length with an experienced and reputable hard money lender to ensure you understand all of the conditions and terms before entering into an agreement. PB Financial Group takes a customer-first approach that will leave you feeling informed, comfortable, and protected.
For further information or inquiries please contact us at 323.935.5555 or visit
PB Financial NMLS #357614/DRE #01522495