Working with a traditional lending institution can be an incredible chore. Whether you’re trying to purchase an investment property or are looking for capital to harness newfound opportunities in your personal or business life, traditional lending instructions are often too sluggish and too unimaginative to assist when you need it most. A bank sees you only as numbers on a page and they are especially notorious for declining to help kick-start unconventional ideas.
Hard money lenders are different. PB Financial Group is one of the leading hard money lenders in Los Angeles. Our unique approach to lending ensures you never have to deal with the traditional institution headaches you’ve come to know. For example, we work hard to streamline the lending process and to handle your loan application as quickly as possible. We’re also able to lend to people and organizations with bad credit, bankruptcies, and other financial snags. PB Financial Group is a flexible lender dedicated to helping you capitalize on opportunities and to move forward toward a more profitable future.
PB Financial Group won’t bury you in paperwork. We won’t give you a two-month runaround before ultimately declining your application. We’re an open, transparent company that prefers to establish our terms upfront so you know exactly what to expect. There aren’t any nasty surprises waiting for our clients; read our many testimonials and you’ll see how our commitment to exceptional service has worked out. It’s all about efficiency and honesty.
Hard money loans do have limits, of course. Hard money lenders in Los Angeles often specialize in specific types of lending, and while hard money loans are generally more flexible than traditional loans, there are still some situations in which a loan might not be available. The best course of action is contacting PB Financial Group today so that we help you figure out the best course of action.
For further information or questions please contact us at 323.935.5555 or visit
PB Financial NMLS #357614/DRE #01522495