Many of our clients have never worked with a hard money lender in Los Angeles before. A great number of the property owners we assist are unfamiliar with the hard money lending practice and how it differs from working with a traditional lender. While every lender handles things a bit differently and processes change from circumstance to circumstance, we thought it would be a good idea to walk you through the very basics of the hard money lending process.
This is by no means comprehensive, but should help you prepare for the road ahead.
Before the Signing
Before a loan can be provided, there’s a lot that needs to happen. Research is done into the borrower and the property to assess risk factors like existing liens, judgments, and more. Hard money lenders aren’t as worried about past credit history or bankruptcies as they are about the value of a property. You’d be surprised how flexible hard money lenders can be.
Next comes the nitty-gritty. Documents need to be reviewed, existing liens paid off (sometimes), rent rolls acquired, and more. This is the most complex step, during which we work closely with our clients to ensure all bases are thoroughly covered. There’s a lot that needs to be handled and little time to do it, so expediency and attention to detail are key.
After the Signing
Once everything’s in order, it’s time to sign. After the signatures are in place, the funds can be released and disbursed. This is a critical step in the process, naturally, but represents the culmination of weeks of hard work on both sides of the contract. We pride ourselves on closing our loans quickly and efficiently — we know time is of the essence for all of our clients.
Working with a hard money lender in Los Angeles such as PB Financial Group is an excellent way to harness the value in your property. For more information about hard money loans and how we can help you please contact us at 323.935.5555 or visit
PB Financial NMLS #357614/DRE #01522495