Many individuals who are curious about hard money loans often wonder whether their situation is one that warrants using the services of a hard money lender. There are many situations in which obtaining the services a private lender is utilized. If one of the following circumstances is evident of your situation, it is highly recommended that you contact a reputable hard money lender in Los Angeles such PB Financial Group today.
- Bad Credit. Conventional lenders like banks often rely heavily on a borrower’s credit in determining whether to grant a loan. PB Financial Group, however, is willing to work with individuals who have bad credit or are in bankruptcy. We are not restricted by the same lending guidelines as conventional lenders. As a result, borrowers with bad credit or no credit can still obtain financing through a hard money loan.
- Fast Real Estate Purchases. Timeline is often very important in real estate investment with property purchases being highly time sensitive. In these situations, the lengthy lending process required by more conventional lenders would not work nearly as well. At PB Financial Group, we aim to make sure that each loan closes in as little as seven to fourteen days.
- Ownership of Too Many Single Family Properties. The number of single family properties owned by an individual can affect their ability to qualify for future real estate investments. Hence, obtaining a hard money loan in Los Angeles is often a very wise decision. As a result, hard money loans are often extremely advantageous to individuals who actively engaged in fixing and flipping multiple single family properties.
- Partner Buyouts. Hard money loans can prove particularly helpful in situations where an individual wants to buy a partner or family member out of a jointly owned property.
- Unexpected Tax Burdens. Unexpected and substantial taxes can act as substantial obstacles. Private money loans can help individuals cover these types of surprises.
- Vacant Property. An investor sometimes recognizes hidden value in a vacant property that has not been maintained. Often times it is required by conventional lenders to demonstrate that the property has a certificate of occupancy or is generating income in order to obtain a certain type of loan. Hard money lenders do not require such documentation and the solution for investors interested in such properties.
There are many situations in which the services of a hard money lender can be essential. So if you relate with one of the above mentioned circumstances and are in need of financial assistance, contact the highly experienced and sough after PB Financial Group whom have helped over 2000 clients thus far and can do the same for you. For further information or to schedule an appointment with one of our experts please contact PB Financial Group at 877.700.3703 or visit to learn more.
PB Financial NMLS #357614/DRE #01522495